Saturday 5 October 2024
Jamie Douglas and Dave Flynn: Only Fans and Horses
1000 Trades, 16 Frederick Street, Birmingham B1 3HE
Tickets: PWYW

Step right up and get two comedians for the price of one. Introducing Dave Flynn and Jamie Douglas.
Join them to hear the tale of two working class comedians, raised in opposite ends of the country, but still in the sh** part of the socio economic spectrum.
Less wheeler dealers and more training wheel dealers.
Listen to an hour of family tales you thought had been cancelled with Jeremy Kyle. All proving when your parents are sh**** you have to survive on your wits and just because you didn’t hear about quinoa till you were 21, doesn’t mean you won’t get to shop - or at least shoplift - in Waitrose one day.
This time next year, they’ll be middle class … hopefully.
Instagram: @daveflynncomedian
Instagram: @jamiemldouglas89