Saturday 5 October 2024
Joe Bingham: WIP*
*May change if a show title appears
The Victoria, 48 John Bright Street, Birmingham B1 1BN
Tel: 0121 633 9439
Tickets: PWYW

Birmingham Comedy Festival Breaking Talent Award 2023 nominee Joe Bingham returns home to build his debut solo show
Some say you’re still a new comedian for your first five years, others say for your first ten, and yet they still expect you to write a solo hour show after only three. You wouldn’t expect a three-year-old to give a best man speech, would you? You’d probably be more concerned as to why the groom is best friends with a three-year-old.
Anyway, Joe Bingham is popping back home to shape his debut solo hour show which will have absolutely nothing to do with the above.
Tour Support for Aurie Styla & Britains Got Talent Winner 2022 Axel Blake.
As Seen On BBC1 & BBCiPlayer.
BBC New Comedy Awards 2022 - Semi Finalist.
Birmingham Comedy Festival Breaking Talent Award 2023 Nominee.
Instagram: @_joebingham